In the words of innumerable rappers, and the incomparable ZZ Top, I got paid today. (I got a pocket full of cash).
Nope, it wasn't a paycheck. In fact, I should write about that, since pay here in the Central Valley seems to be significantly higher than anywhere else. I have more kids, and more is expected of me, but the pay is almost reasonable. I'm sure I'll have to examine that soon.
But today I got paid for this. Yes, that's right, you faithful few who click on ads rewarded me. Google finally made enough money on your clicks to pay me. $103. Doesn't seem like much, but it was awesome.
Mostly because it means that people read this. It means that this is more than a glorified diary.
So, thanks, I guess. You make this worth writing.
To pay you back, I supply to you my favorite 10 Blazin' Blog posts from the last 18 months, including at least one that is no longer available.
10: Celebrating VD Anytime I can suggest that you should buy a teacher Will Smith, I think I have to, right?
9: District Approved U-boat If you don't remember what my old district's benefits page looked like, or how true it was, you should check this out....
8: Best educational commentary - This is still the best educational commentary of the last decade. Hands down.
7: Eulogize the living! - This is a post that really captures the emotion of leaving the High Country to come to the Central Valley. It also has a powerful lesson about saying "Thank You".
6:The STFU method of behavior modification - Dr. Johncock checks in with his plan for fixing behavior plans at number 6
5: My commencement speech - I'm pretty happy that the first graduates of Vista Ridge asked me to speak. And since I'm vain, I'm pretty happy with the speech I came up with.
4: Parents - This was, I thought at the time, my opus. I felt like this was the pinnacle for me. I felt like this was the piece that would cause me to break through, to get larger internet recognition. I was wrong, but I still like it as a post.
3:U-boat number 8 - You can't read it anymore, but it had a connection between Pearl Harbor and a guy's girlfriend claiming he was wearing boxers while he was actually free-ballin'. I've actually made it sound more sensible than it did as written. Some days it's too bad that I decided U-boats were too mean.
2:The OOP - Dr. Dick's finest work. As an aside, I would not Google "Octagon of Punishment" unless you really like MMA.
1: A tribute to Ms. Zika - She's retired now, and I'm sure cackling with Candy Corn teeth over a bottle of wine somewhere warm, but I know that she changed my life, and many others. The number of page views this post got, combined with the responses I got made me very happy. My brother sent it to her, and she responded very kindly. I'm happy that this blog led me to thank someone I should've thanked years ago.
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